Ultralinear+ Upgrade Program
Ultralinear+ Upgrade Program
Upgrade your existing ZOTL Ultralinear power amp to the new Ultralinear+ version
Ultralinear+ Upgrade Program
“The standard UL was the best amp I’ve ever heard in my system. Unbelievably, the UL+ makes an even more compelling presentation with better timing, spatial cues, separation of musical lines, bass weight, and tonal realism through the lower midrange.”
“There is tonal sheen, midrange elegance, and startling, controlled dynamics like never before. The “Plus” upgrades reveal more emotion in the music.”
LTA is proud to announce the next generation, and first-ever upgrade of our Ultralinear flagship amp. Introducing, the ZOTL Ultralinear+ power amplifier.
After trying over two dozen component combinations, and countless hours of listening tests and comparisons, the new ZOTL Ultralinear+ power amp improves the tone and texture across all frequencies, and there is more detail and clarity around the performers.
These sonic upgrades are achieved through adding a massive 100,000µF of additional capacitor storage and changing the resistors in the audio path to high-end non-magnetic Audio Note Tantalum and Holco Metal Film resistors, each type and value specifically chosen for each location.
Free shipping is included in all Ultralinear+ upgrades for US customers.
Reviews & Testimonials
Review by a UL+ Beta Tester and LTA Customer Mark D.
Happily, LTA is offering owners of the standard UL an opportunity to upgrade. From my perspective, the cost is entirely reasonable given the performance enhancements. As I said at the outset, the standard UL was the best amp I’ve ever heard in my system. Unbelievably, the UL+ makes an even more compelling presentation with better timing, spatial cues, separation of musical lines, bass weight, and tonal realism through the lower midrange. If you have somewhat high efficiency speakers like mine the UL+ is probably as good as it gets for amplification--regardless of price.
“Plus” Upgrade Listening Notes from LTA’s Director of Sonic Quality
Yes, that is a real job title - some people have all the luck - and along with a cadre of test listeners, it’s their job to make sure the sound of the Ultralinear+ upgrades keep the LTA sound our customers love while raising the bar in the right areas.
Whether you are Sunday morning classical, late night jazz, or sweaty rock club listeners, everything comes out sounding sweet and immersive with the “Plus” version. There is tonal sheen, midrange elegance, and startling, controlled dynamics like never before. The Ultralinear+ upgrades reveal more emotion in the music.
We’ve found that with the “Plus” update, listening fatigue is a footnote of the past, no matter the source. Even the most challenging torture tracks become immediately palatable and better yet, unskippable. When pushing to "live sound" decibels, instruments and vocals stay in place and simply get more vivid and real instead of breaking up or becoming shouty (suggesting the listener be more reasonable with the volume control.)
Whatever your preference, you'll find new appreciation for your all time favorites and fall in love with the latest new releases.
Note to Ultralinear power amp owners with the old-style case
The “Plus” Upgrade can be applied to all existing ZOTL Ultralinear power amplifiers, even those with the old-style case.
The Ultralinear+ Upgrade does not include the Fern & Roby Case. If you would like to upgrade your case to the new Fern & Roby case, you can purchase this separately at the Amp Upgrades page.
How It Works
Place your upgrade order
LTA will send you a return shipping label (free shipping for US customers)
Pack your amp securely in its original box and packaging (if you don’t have the original packaging, let us know), affix the label, and take it to your closest FedEx drop-off location
When we receive your amp, we’ll do the upgrades and ship it back to you ASAP after several days of play-testing and burn-in. We should have your amp for two weeks or less, give or take, once it’s received.
Ultralinear Integrated Owners
Own an Ultralinear Integrated amp and want to update it to a Plus version? We can do that. Check out the Ultralinear+ Integrated Amp Update page.